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I am sure you must have got many emails regarding penis pills that can enlarge your penis within a fortnight. It is but natural for you to be wary of such products. The truth is that no pills can enlarge your penis on their own. All such pills can do is increase blood flow to the penis and ensure rock hard erections.

Longer Penis Pills

Though, natural penis pills are the most effective and safe way to help you get rid of erectile dysfunction, they can also be an effective aid in making your penis grow.

However, this is possible when and only when, you use them in conjunction with other natural male enhancement techniques like penis exercises or a traction device.

Let me explain a little bit..

Penis exercises help expand your erectile tissue when performed on a regular basis. This erectile tissue is also called Corpora Cavernosa and the size of your erections depend upon its capacity to hold blood. Tissue expansion increases the capacity of Corpora Cavernosa to hold blood resulting in a longer and thicker penis.

Now this is no fancy idea but a technique that is clinically backed and proven to ensure natural penis growth.

These exercises are called Jelqs and a typical jelq schedule does not take more than 10 minutes a day.

A penis traction device also produces the same effect but it has to be worn for at least 2-6 hours a day.

However, growth takes time and is a slow process.

Natural pills, however, increase the pace pf penis growth by:

ensuring increased blood flow to the penis and
increasing the production of testosterone
both of which are extremely important for sustaining penis growth stimulated either by exercises or a traction device.
There are some high quality pills that contain Pomegranate 70% Ellagen. Such pills when used with exercises can help increase the growth of your penis by more than 50% leading to much faster penis enlargement.

But this is not all, such pills also help ensure rock solid erections, increased semen production and improved sexual stamina so that you can last longer in bed.

Besides Pomegranate 70% Ellagen, such pills contain other ingredients like l-arginine, maca, muira pauma, horny goat weed, l-methionine, flaxseed, saw palmetto, omega 3 fatty acids etc., to ensure maximum potency. Moreover, such pills are absolutely safe and free of side effects which is one of the main reasons behind their immense success.

Not only this, such pills also come with free access to one of the best penis exercises manuals so as to ensure overall sexual enhancement.


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One of the most frequently asked questions in male enlargement is, "Can penis pills really make your penis bigger?" Well in a world where we have been accustomed to taking a pill to fix anything and everything we would like to believe that the easy route of simply popping a pill will help to make our penis bigger as well.

Well the truth is out and I can confidently tell you that a pill can never make your penis bigger by itself. If that was really the case then we would have millions of new muscle enlarging pills on the market. One to increase chest size, another to increase biceps, and how about one for bigger boobs.

What a penis pill does do though is that it creates the correct internal requirements for a penis to grow bigger with exercise. Without the required exercise that goes with it, a penis pill is going to do absolutely nothing to make your penis get bigger. It is similar to bodybuilders. They take supplements that create the way for improved muscle growth. The supplements do not make the muscle grow but rather supply the correct nutrition and blood circulation for the exercises and training to have the best effects on muscle growth.

Penis pills are rather essential in creating a bigger penis but without the exercise to accompany them, you will be very disappointed in your expectations. The pill starts to improve blood circulation to the penile tissue, improves essential nutrition, increases or releases testosterone, and often reduces cholesterol build up in the penile chambers which prevents adequate blood circulation. The penis pills often also contain ingredients which assist in the generation of new cells and prevent premature die off of older existing cells. The other huge requirement of these pills is that they increase libido.

Once all of the internal requirements have been satisfied by the penis pills, exercise becomes key to increasing your penis size. The exercise is very effective and rapid results are obtained due the correct environment for muscle increases having been created by the pills. Size gains of as much as 3 inches in length and 30% in girth can then be expected in a very short period of time.

The incredible Male Extra is a unique penis enlargement system in that when you purchase your libido enhancing pills which increase libido by as much as 200%, you will also gain free membership to Penis Health, penis enlarging exercise program so that you will reap the benefits of an increased male libido, increased penis size and many other additional benefits to improve your sexual quality as well.

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You have seen it, read it, heard all the hype about it. Unscrupulous advertisers want you to believe that penis pills can help you get a bigger penis, magically. You don't have to do anything besides swallowing a bunch of pills. Does this work? Don't bet on it.

There is absolutely no proof that penis pills, by themselves, can ever increase the size of a man's penis permanently. Yes, these pills do improve blood flow which will make your penis bulge more and increase in size during an erection. But this tend to be temporary because there is not enough traction on the penis to cause cell multiplication (the real basis for getting a bigger penis).

Does that mean that you are doomed to live with a small penis? Not really. There are ways and means to get a bigger penis. Does it mean that penis pills are useless? Again, no. Pills have different functions and although this may surprise you, penis pills can make the enlargement process quicker for you if you use them with the methods below. Besides herbal penis pills can help strengthen your erections, improve semen production, etc but that's another story.

Here's how you can get a bigger penis for real :-

1) By doing penis enlarging exercises (called Jelqing)

... this method is an ancient one that has worked for many men. It involves pulling and stretching the penis with a series of exercises that aim to encourage tissue growth. This is not masturbation. Jelqing requires lots of discipline and time.

2) By using a penis traction device or stretcher

... this is a scientifically proven method to encourage penile tissue growth which will result in a meatier and longer penis shaft. Basically, it involves stretching the penis with a traction device which will exert a small and safe force on the length of the penis. You need to wear the device for a few hours daily. You can wear it under loose clothings quite comfortably.

So that's the truth. Penis pills alone cannot help you get a bigger penis. But if you combine pills with the above 2 enlargement methods, you can get optimal results. This is because the pills provide nourishment and improved blood flow to the penis, factors which will help accelerate the enlargement process. Penis pills can also give you harder erections, bigger ejaculations, higher libido, etc - these are additional advantages.

As always, please do your due diligence or research before spending a dime on any penis enlargement products. Why? Because there are lots of inferior products on the market and you don't want to waste your money on those.


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It is quite common to find several websites, commercials and even emails claiming to provide you with the best penis pills. However the question that often arises in one's mind is that is it really useful to go for such pills and more importantly, is there really a best penis pill as they all claim to be?

To begin with, it is important to state what is meant by penis pills. These pills are currently marketed as penis enhancement pills instead of penis enlargement pills because the vendors don't want to be sued for misrepresentations. Penis pills are made up of several ingredients mainly from the extracts of the plants, minerals or vitamins and amino acids that are useful in curing several sex related problems.

How do you select the best penis pills? There are several things you need to be aware of:

1) Ingredients :

You need to make sure that you are getting top grade ingredients and not some dangerous herbs like Yohimbe. The best ingredients are:

Solidilin - Solidilin is the ingredient that is considered the best ingredient in the penis enhancement pills. By several successful experiments on animals, it has already revealed that it is best in improving motivation as well as the quality of the sex.
Safflower and Taj - After Solidilin, the next ingredients used in the best penis pills are Safflower and Taj . Both these ingredients are perfect vasodilators i.e. they help in opening the vessels of the blood and in addition encourage better flow of the blood. Thus they help in increasing the flow of the blood to the penis and as a result provide proper erection of the penis.
Besides these two, there are some other ingredients that are also important.

2) Goodwill or brand of vendor :

The next important thing to consider while looking the best penis pills is to look for the goodwill or brand of the company from where you are buying the penis enhancement pills. There are several reputable and good companies that deal with penis enhancement pills. Do your own research before you commit to buy anything from anyone.

3) Customer support:

You should not forget about the before & after sales support that the company is providing. It is important to look for phone support as well as email support. Some even provide online chatting support. Customer support is crucial because you don't want to be left in the lurch, do you?

4) Money back guarantee:

It is also important to look out for the money back guarantee policy of the vendor company. Make sure that you are getting a full money back guarantee in a reasonable time frame. Deductions for shipping and handling is normally minimal and is an accepted part of business. Other than that, you should be able to get the rest of your money back if the product does not work for you.


Clearly, there are many penis products on the market today but to get the best penis pills, you need to be aware of the 4 points above. These are among the most important things to look out for, but they are by no means the only things you should consider. Use common sense and do some research if you really want to lay on your hands on the best penis pill.

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It has been years since the first penis enhancement pill was introduced to the market. It would be only logical to assume that during that time men had acquired at least some basic knowledge of the topic. Surprisingly, most of us still have no idea what penis pills are, how they work, what they can and can't do... In short, we know nothing about them.

The first question you probably ask yourself is "How effective are penis pills?" The good news is that those who really work can bring you a substantial penis size increase - usually about an inch and a half more. This is usually enough for you to feel better - but your chances to become "Mr. Very, Very Big" are pretty low. The final effects may be different depending on your age, health and reactions to pills' components. On a second thought: it is unadvised to increase your penis size to the point where most women can't accommodate to.

The bad news is that there are hundreds brands of penis enhancement pills - and most of them are little more than scams. Even worse, some of them are not placebo, but some untested, potentially dangerous ingredients. Those who actually test their products are a small minority. The leader is VigRX Plus, an improved version of their first record-breaking herbal pill on the market.

OK. We know that penis enhancement pills work and which pills are best to be left alone. However, we still don't know how they work. Basically, all penis enlargement pills try to pump as much blood in your penis as they safely can. More blood down there means longer penis and (usually) harder erection. Some pills do that by increasing the pulse and blood pressure - those are short-term adrenaline-based pills. Do not use them, especially if you have some heart-related problems! Those pills which are based on herbs, work by improving the circulation in the penis and throughout the body, strengthen blood vessels and increase the ability of penis to accept blood during erection.

It is recommended to take no more than 2-3 penis enhancement pills a day unless you are told to do otherwise. Do not overdose and do not use two different penis pills at the same time! Your body can absorb only so much active ingredients at a time and the rest is wasted - washed out of your organism. You may also risk mild side-effects - headaches and indigestion. You need to continue the treatment until you are satisfied with its effects. It is hard to set any hard date, as the body reactions may vary a lot. Some people report that they saw the first effects of the pills only after two or three days, while others have to wait for two months before seeing any penis size increase. Generally, you should expect your penis to start increasing its size after about a month and getting to its full length after about three. You can stop the treatment anytime you want.

About penis enhancement pills and sex drive: yes, herbal penis enlargement pills can double as a mild aphrodisiac. They increase sexual drive, improve performance and sometimes even cause erotic dreams. They do not impair your normal life functions though - the effects show themselves only when you become naturally aroused.

The price of penis enlargement pills varies from manufacturer to manufacturer, but you should not generally consider those pills which come for less than $60 for a month supply. Decent pills usually start from around $100 per month. Do not be too stingy with your money - cheap products are usually bogus or untested ones.

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No man is ever satisfied with the size of his penis. Well, men cannot be blamed for this, because they tend to evaluate their masculinity according to the size of their penis. That probably explains why many men keep trying all kinds of enhancement pills to increase the size of their penis; and also for a hoard of other reasons like a weak libido or erectile disorders. Herbal pills are being increasingly used on the grounds that being herbal means safe. But how safe are these herbal penis pills in reality? Let us have a look at the ingredients of these herbal pills and evaluate if the claims of safety are actually true.

Herbal Penis Pills and their Ingredients

There are a great number of penis supplements available in the market these days. However, out of these numerous brands there are only a few which are highly acknowledged and said to contain safe ingredients. The herbal ingredients common to these brands are listed below:

Saw Palmetto.
Ginkgo Biloba.
Horny Goat weed.
Tribulus terrestris.
Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma Longifolia).
These ingredients are believed to bring about increased penis size and enhanced sexual function and satisfaction.

Herbal Penis Pills: Important Facts

Here are some important and solid facts to bear in mind about penis pills:

The ingredients of herbal penis products can bring about enhanced libido, improved sexual stamina and enhanced penis girth but there is no certain evidence of improvement in the length of the penis.
Scientific studies show that herbal penis pills only help in increased blood flow into the penis; thus stimulating growth and leading to consequent enlargement of the girth.
The boost in blood circulation due to regular use of herbal penis pills also causes heightened sensitivity in the penile area. This explains the obvious increase in sexual libido and improved sexual satisfaction.
There are certain herbal ingredients that boost the production of testosterone in men, which explains the benefits that they produce like increased sexual stamina and vigor.
Is it Safe to Use Herbal Penis Pills?

Well, not all companies that produce these pills have undergone clinical trials before distributing their products to the market, which leaves traces of doubt among consumers. It goes without saying that clinical trials are very essential to ascertain the effectiveness and safety of a medical product or pill.

Harms of using Herbal penis pills:

Herbal pills may some times turn out to be quite risky and pose serious threat to health.
Yohimbine, which is a common component of size enhancement penis pills, may prove to be quite dangerous for men who are suffering from cardiac or cardiovascular disorders.
Certain herbal pills meant for increasing size of the penis, may cause an unwanted and rather painful side effect; known as Priapism. Priapism is a painful and permanent erection of the penis.
Herbal penis pills that contain testosterone can also cause hypertrophy of the prostatic muscles, which can eventually lead to a serious condition like prostate cancer.
So, the bottom line is to use herbal penis pills only after consulting a medical professional, as it is obvious that being herbal does not always turn out to be safe.


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Enlarge penis pills are the most sought after male enhancement product. Most men seem to be under the false impression that they can actually make their penis grow by merely popping a pill. Unfortunately, penis enlargement needs much more than just pills.

However, there is a twist in the story...

Penis pills, when combined with another natural male enhancement technique, can speed up the growth process. In other words, if you combine natural penis pills with either penis exercises or a traction device, you would be able to grow your penis at a much faster rate.

So, the answer to the question - Do Penis Pills work? Can be both a Yes and a No!

Here is a little more on what such pills do:

Natural penis pills are made with certain herbs that have been used since hundreds of years to boost sexual potency in men. Such pills increase the flow of blood to the penis and also boost testosterone and nitric oxide secretion. All three of these are important to get rock hard and powerful erections. Not only this, they also give a boost to your libido or sexual appetite.

Besides this, they also give you the power and stamina to last much longer in bed.

Some of the natural ingredients used in such pills include maca, muira pauma, saw palmetto, tongat ali, horny goat weed etc.

Such herbal pills are highly effective in ensuring erections as hard as steel and the best part is that they do not have any side effects. No wonder, they are the most popular male enhancement product, particularly among men trying to get over erectile dysfunction.

Are all natural pills alike?

The effectiveness of natural pills depend upon the ingredients used. Pills that contain ingredients such as pomegranate 70% ellagen ensure very fast results. This is because pomegranate juice is highly effective in increasing the secretion of nitric oxide.

Natural Pills and Penis Enlargement

As stated above, natural pills can speed up the penis growth when you use them along with exercises. Penis exercises of jelqs are the most effective technique of natural male enhancement. Regular stretching of the erectile tissue makes it expand over time so that it can hold more blood. This ensures an increase in the size of your erections as well the size of your flaccid penis.

Pills, on the other hand support penis growth by increasing blood flow and boosting testosterone production. Just like bodybuilding supplements increase muscle growth, penis pills increase penis growth. This is because they are essentially supplements.

Top of the line pills now come inclusive of free access to a highly advanced penis exercise manual online so that you can make your penis grow in a relatively shorter period of time. This is one of the most appealing features of good quality penis pills.

No wonder, men are buying them in huge numbers.


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Almost all men experience issues about the size and appearance of their penis at some point in their life. For some men these feelings will fade away while for others they become deep-set questions and complexes that they carry on in their minds. Nowadays, more and more men are trying out penis pills at some point or the other to improve on their penis size and girth. However, we are all aware that many of the penile pills advertised through all media - and especially on the Internet - are mere scams.

So the need for penis enhancement is an issue for almost all of us and may become a necessity, even an obsession. A man's concern about his penis size can actually lead to the avoidance of sexual relationships, anxiety, and even his reclining from a social status. Usually obesity and thick growth of pubic hair may make the penis look smaller. If you have already explored all alternatives and find yourself inclined towards having recourse to penis pills, you should be well-informed about the same in order to avoid falling prey to scam.

How penis pills work

The working principle behind penis pills is that they have nutrients and artificial hormone components which help increase the blood flow to your blood sacs in the penis. This helps both improve the erect size and girth of the male sexual organ, as well as enhance erection. The nutrients in the penis pills that are fed to penis cells and muscles help the blood to be retained within the penis till ejaculation or till the effect of nutrients die down. Due to the increased blood flow, you can also experience intense orgasm and avoid premature ejaculation. This is why the penis pills have gained such popularity over the years.

That was the good news. Now for the ugly truth... the bad news

The bad news is that no penis pills can enlarge a man's penis permanently. It is just not possible for a mere pill to do that. Despite what the vendor might say, pills can only increase your penis size in an erect state - in other words, temporarily. This fact is confirmed once you lose the erection and see your penis revert back to its original size in a flaccid state.

To get a permanently bigger penis, you must use either a penis enlargement device or do some enlarging exercises (commonly called Jelqing). That is not to say penis pills are totally useless. Actually, they are important in that they assist in the enlargement process by improving blood flow to the penile tissues and encouraging cell multiplication. But you just can't simply swallow these pills and expect your penis to grow like magic. Use them in conjunction with an enlargement devices and/or exercises if you want permanent gains in length and girth.

It is also highly advisable that you do a good amount of research over the history of the vendor and read consumer reviews as well as medical literature regarding the different brands of penis pills before deciding which one of them to go for. Of course, seeking medical advice is even better. In fact, the consumption of even the most popular and trusted of penis pills can result in adverse effects to particular people, depending upon individual medical conditions. Hence, do your own due diligence (ie research) before buying any of the penis pills - even the most popular ones like ProSolution, Vimax or VigRx - would be the most intelligent thing to do.


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If you are wondering about the truth about penis pills you have come to the right place. I keep reading this article to find out whether they really work or are a greedy scam.

If you are looking for information about penis pills, I understand that you are unhappy about your penis size. Perhaps you would like an extra inch or two in width or three or 4 inches in length... Or maybe even both. It's not right that you are not happy with your penis size. And it's not right that you are confused about your choices. As you keep reading this article you will feel more confident about making the right penis enhancement choice for you today, because you will have all the information you need to get started.

Chances are that you have received a flood of penis pill advertisements in your e-mail box in the cost. If you immediately thought that they were just a scam you were right. You should never ever buy any form of penis pill through a spam e-mail. All these are designed to do is to steal your personal identity and your credit card information. Once these criminals have their hands on that information you will start to see a lot of fraudulent charges on your card.

You may be under the impression then that old penis pills are actually scams. However, they are not. If you buy the right penis pill, and I am going to provide you with information about how you do that, these little wonder drugs can increase your penis size by 3 to 4 inches over six month.. They can also increase your width and give you additional sexual benefits.

As you are interested in penis pills, you should know how they work. Penis pills work according to the blend of herbs that are found in them. These special herb formulations increase the blood flowing to and through your penis, and also increase the size of the blood vessels. This additional blood gives you an immediate boost in size - you can realistically expect an increase of 1 to 2 inches in width in your first seven days of use, if you buy the rights pill today.

What usually happens is men stopped taking them when they see this first boost in size, however if you stop too early you will lose your gains and it will be a waste of time. In order to get the permanent results, and the significant results that you are after, you need to take some for at least six months.

This is because it takes that long for the pills to permanently stimulate cell growth in your penis. The best in blood forces your penis cells to expand. As it is more than they can handle they are forced to expand and could use new cells. Over a period of six months this adds up to a very large increase in penis width and length - an increase of 4 inches in length is possible.

So the truth is that the best penis pills on the market today to actually work. As you have now decided that penis pills of the easiest and best way for you to increase your penis size, it is now up to you to find the best penis pills on the market today. Here is my expert advice to help you do so. Follow the advice carefully and you will be relieved when you make your purchase today, knowing that you have made the right choice.

Firstly, the penis pills should have a good reputation in the marketplace and have been around for approximately 5 to 10 years.

Secondly, they must be proof, testimonials, case studies to establish that they really do work and will give you the results that you are after.

Thirdly, the ingredients must be all natural and safe. That way you can be assured that you will not experience any kind of side effects.

Fourthly, they must come with a money back guarantee - and no ridiculous fine print to claim it.

Once you have found a pill that takes all those boxes you will know you have found the best penis enhancement pill today.

Not only will you see an increase in penis length and width, but you will get quicker and repeat erections, longer lasting erections, and you will be free from the ever embarrassing premature ejaculation. Your sex life will become the envy of your mates and your lover will think you are the best lover they have ever had.

So now that you are fully equipped with these penis pill buying tips you can be assured that you'll be able to find the best penis enlargement pill today very quickly and that your purchase will be completely risk free - and you will be well on your way to having a penis size you can be proud of.


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If you are wondering do penis pills really work, in a nutshell yes they do. Men have definitely acknowledged that size matters. More than ninety five percent of males wish to improve the size in their penis, though most haven't taken the effort to do something about it. The typical erect penis measures somewhere between 5 1/2" to six inches in length, and nearly 90% of males fall into this category.

Penis enlargement options are obtainable for all those men who would like to be sexually more than ordinary. There are erection medicinal drugs, herbal erectile therapies, lotions and penis pills; almost all claiming to enhance men's stamina, penis function and also increase length and girth to his erections of the penis.

The numerous men, who have a strong desire to share with their partner the experience of a bigger erection, have to know if there's a supplement on the market that will help them attain this. Do penis pills work?

How Penis Pills Work

Taking penis enlargement pills is a much more organic method to penis enlargement than the mechanical gadgets or male enhancement surgeries available.

The approach of using penis pills treats the problem that not adequate amount of blood can go into the penis when the person is stimulated. Inside the entire length in the penis is one chamber known as the Corpus Spongisum which the human body uses for urination and ejaculations, and 2 chambers known as the Corpora Cavernosa, that fill with blood producing an erection.

The quantity of blood which the tissue of the Corpora Cavernosa can hold, as the man is aroused, is what determines the length and girth of the man's penis size during the erection. Fascia, or fibrous sheets, encompasses the chambers and cause a constraint not permitting the Corpora Cavernosa to expand or lengthen as much as it could.

This is usually caused by a hormonal imbalance from the lacking of nutrients which assistance kidney and blood circulation functions that provide circulation. Find the correct compound of organic herbs and amino acids in a penis pill and you have discovered an answer to obtain a more substantial erection.

Most penis enlargement pills in the marketplace include the essential natural herbs and amino acids required to enhance your all round size as well as provide you with a stronger, extended erection.

Looking for the Right Penis Pills

When shopping for the penis pill that is right for you, make sure it's formulated from one hundred percent all natural organically grown natural herbs and amino acids which ought to consist of L-arginine, which raises the nitric oxide levels within your body, required to obtain an erection, and Tribulus Terrestris that alleviates the possibility of early ejaculation and boosts circulation to the corpus cavernosa, the chambers inside the penis which fill up with your blood when you're aroused.

Several of the best selling penis pill brands for male erection enhancement also consist of Catuaba, Muira Puama,Ying Yang Hou (epimedium grandiflorum), Chen Pi, Chinese Yam, and Radix Ginseng, all healing attributes which support penis enlargement.

Penis pills provide a mans body with all the nutrients it needs to restore a healthy blood flow into the genital area, control hormone balances, increase levels of energy and promote an overall sense of well being to the males health. The therapeutic properties from the amino acids and herbs allow the tissue in the Corpora Cavernosa to admit much more blood flow maximizing the width and length of your erection.

After taking penis pills every day for a number of months you ought to start to detect an increase with your sex drive, more powerful sexual climaxes, as well as more powerful erections. Using a penis pill method to penis enlargement will definitely make your penis size more than average, with out compromising your health.

Why am I called the Penis Enlargement Coach by my friends? Because my results work.