Tuesday 2 September 2014

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It has been years since the first penis enhancement pill was introduced to the market. It would be only logical to assume that during that time men had acquired at least some basic knowledge of the topic. Surprisingly, most of us still have no idea what penis pills are, how they work, what they can and can't do... In short, we know nothing about them.

The first question you probably ask yourself is "How effective are penis pills?" The good news is that those who really work can bring you a substantial penis size increase - usually about an inch and a half more. This is usually enough for you to feel better - but your chances to become "Mr. Very, Very Big" are pretty low. The final effects may be different depending on your age, health and reactions to pills' components. On a second thought: it is unadvised to increase your penis size to the point where most women can't accommodate to.

The bad news is that there are hundreds brands of penis enhancement pills - and most of them are little more than scams. Even worse, some of them are not placebo, but some untested, potentially dangerous ingredients. Those who actually test their products are a small minority. The leader is VigRX Plus, an improved version of their first record-breaking herbal pill on the market.

OK. We know that penis enhancement pills work and which pills are best to be left alone. However, we still don't know how they work. Basically, all penis enlargement pills try to pump as much blood in your penis as they safely can. More blood down there means longer penis and (usually) harder erection. Some pills do that by increasing the pulse and blood pressure - those are short-term adrenaline-based pills. Do not use them, especially if you have some heart-related problems! Those pills which are based on herbs, work by improving the circulation in the penis and throughout the body, strengthen blood vessels and increase the ability of penis to accept blood during erection.

It is recommended to take no more than 2-3 penis enhancement pills a day unless you are told to do otherwise. Do not overdose and do not use two different penis pills at the same time! Your body can absorb only so much active ingredients at a time and the rest is wasted - washed out of your organism. You may also risk mild side-effects - headaches and indigestion. You need to continue the treatment until you are satisfied with its effects. It is hard to set any hard date, as the body reactions may vary a lot. Some people report that they saw the first effects of the pills only after two or three days, while others have to wait for two months before seeing any penis size increase. Generally, you should expect your penis to start increasing its size after about a month and getting to its full length after about three. You can stop the treatment anytime you want.

About penis enhancement pills and sex drive: yes, herbal penis enlargement pills can double as a mild aphrodisiac. They increase sexual drive, improve performance and sometimes even cause erotic dreams. They do not impair your normal life functions though - the effects show themselves only when you become naturally aroused.

The price of penis enlargement pills varies from manufacturer to manufacturer, but you should not generally consider those pills which come for less than $60 for a month supply. Decent pills usually start from around $100 per month. Do not be too stingy with your money - cheap products are usually bogus or untested ones.

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