Tuesday 2 September 2014

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You have seen it, read it, heard all the hype about it. Unscrupulous advertisers want you to believe that penis pills can help you get a bigger penis, magically. You don't have to do anything besides swallowing a bunch of pills. Does this work? Don't bet on it.

There is absolutely no proof that penis pills, by themselves, can ever increase the size of a man's penis permanently. Yes, these pills do improve blood flow which will make your penis bulge more and increase in size during an erection. But this tend to be temporary because there is not enough traction on the penis to cause cell multiplication (the real basis for getting a bigger penis).

Does that mean that you are doomed to live with a small penis? Not really. There are ways and means to get a bigger penis. Does it mean that penis pills are useless? Again, no. Pills have different functions and although this may surprise you, penis pills can make the enlargement process quicker for you if you use them with the methods below. Besides herbal penis pills can help strengthen your erections, improve semen production, etc but that's another story.

Here's how you can get a bigger penis for real :-

1) By doing penis enlarging exercises (called Jelqing)

... this method is an ancient one that has worked for many men. It involves pulling and stretching the penis with a series of exercises that aim to encourage tissue growth. This is not masturbation. Jelqing requires lots of discipline and time.

2) By using a penis traction device or stretcher

... this is a scientifically proven method to encourage penile tissue growth which will result in a meatier and longer penis shaft. Basically, it involves stretching the penis with a traction device which will exert a small and safe force on the length of the penis. You need to wear the device for a few hours daily. You can wear it under loose clothings quite comfortably.

So that's the truth. Penis pills alone cannot help you get a bigger penis. But if you combine pills with the above 2 enlargement methods, you can get optimal results. This is because the pills provide nourishment and improved blood flow to the penis, factors which will help accelerate the enlargement process. Penis pills can also give you harder erections, bigger ejaculations, higher libido, etc - these are additional advantages.

As always, please do your due diligence or research before spending a dime on any penis enlargement products. Why? Because there are lots of inferior products on the market and you don't want to waste your money on those.


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